Ultimate Hen Party Game Ideas For Unforgettable Celebrations

Hen Party Game Ideas for Memorable Celebrations
Hen Party Game Ideas for Memorable Celebrations

Hen Party Game Ideas for Memorable Celebrations

Hen parties (or bachelorette parties) tend to get a little loud and wild. If you are hosting a hen party, or attending a hen party, you may need some ideas of games or things for the women to do. Hen-dos are the best getaway ideas from all the stress, unknown worries of future responsibilities, the whole affair of taking care of a huge event and making sure it turns out as planned or better.

Bridesmaids or best man, the closest to the bride and groom make this day or weekend a special something that can be laughed on, cried over with nostalgia and most of all build up the most memorable times before the huge leap of faith. Where organizers have a lot of planning and organizing to do, one of the main elements is what should be done to make the day as fun as possible for all attendees. Listed below are most popular games for hen parties that never fail to turn the tables and make the evening a great one to remember for a long time.

1. Scavenger Hunt-

Scavenger Hunts are fun, if planned and organized with the right material, space and time limits. Though many ladies seem to take it as a childish game, the proper execution of ideas is vital to keep it adult and fun. The key here is to provide cameras to all teams and also keep numbers of all team members so no one gets lost and the party goes down. Prizes upon successfully finding the hidden treasures should be appealing and cute. According to the personality of the bride and groom, the gifts can also be great memoirs of the evening.

2. Wedding Dress designed-

One of the most popular hen games, this one is definitely known by all. And not incorporating this game leads to an incomplete hen party as it is predictable plus fun and easy to play. It involves a lot of tissue rolls and teams being divided. Each team has to wrap the tissue paper and make a dream wedding dress for the bride. The model on which the tissue has been wrapped has to do her best catwalk and then the bride chooses the perfect dress. The one that is the best wins the prize at the end of it.

3. Post It Game-

The Post-it note game is an excellent way to go down the memory lane and rejoice the lovely experiences and fun that the bride had with friends and family. Every hen is given a pen and a Post-it, a memory or event has to be written over it. Then on a plane board all post-its are pasted and the bride has to read them one by one telling the story behind the Post-it note. It is fun to recall all the secrets and little immature acts by the bride bringing back nostalgia.

4. Newlyweds game-

This game is all about taking the groom into confidence and asking all kinds of questions of meagre importance and their answers beforehand. Then the bride is asked the same questions and the answers matched to check the compatibility of the couple and how they’re on the same page or not. Newlyweds’ game is a fun way to tease the bride and in the end score of the right answers determines love and understanding of the couple.

5. Bridal Pictionary-

With stationary items such as large white papers or with more modern ways of preserving the precious memories, such as having blank white T-shirts, bridal Pictionary can be played. Markers and paints are given to the hens and asked to draw on one single theme or idea in teams. These T-shirts can then be used as rude hen party T-shirts as well if they have already not been printed or distributed amongst the attendees. The souvenir of the party in form of these t-shirts is also a great give away. Obviously, you will want to think of some drinking games. Hen parties are all about drinking and letting loose. Here are a couple fun drinking games:

6.I Never–

Also called Never Have I Ever, this game is very fun! Each person around a circle says what he or she has “Never” done. It sounds like this game would be easy, however, it is harder the longer you play. If you have done something one of the other women has not done, you have to take a drink. Beware if some of the women are “goody-goody two shoes”, because you may end up drinking much more than you expect.

7. Flip Cup –

This game is for those who can drink fast. Most people know this game because it is a well-known party game. You need to have a few people lined up on each side of a table with a “Solo” cup in front of each person. One end of the table starts to race at drinking their drink, when they are done the sit the cup on the table and try to flip it over with only one finger. Once the cup has landed, the next person in line can start drinking.

8. karaoke-

Another fun game for hens to play is karaoke! Most people would want to drink before they start singing, unless they know they have talent. However, this game is very fun!

9. Truth or Dare –

Truth or Dare is a classic game passed around for generations that everyone enjoys! This game can be turned into a drinking game very easily! You can make one of the dares be drinking their entire drink, etc. A fun thing to do before going out to the bar, or wherever the hen party is held, is to make matching outfits! Many hen party groups do this before they go out because it is a fun activity to do before starting the night, all while allowing everyone to feel comfortable and matching! Making matching hen party T-shirts makes the group look young, fresh, and excited to be out enjoying their night.